Call for Abstracts

2019 Salmon Recovery Conference ac

Facing The Future Together

April 8 - 9, 2019

Deadline: Thursday, January 31, 2019


The Washington State Salmon Recovery Funding Board will hold its seventh biennial conference April 8 - 9, 2019 at the Greater Tacoma Convention Center in Tacoma, WA.

Abstracts for presentations and posters are being accepted through Thursday, January 31, 2019.

The theme of the 2019 Salmon Recovery Conference, Facing The Future Together, reflects the urgency we feel 20 years after the passage of Washington's Salmon Recovery Act.

An important aim of the conference is to share information and dialogue about:

The initial Call for Sessions identified specific topics to be addressed (see below). The questions above will be used as a guide to integrating abstracts into the sessions.

Abstracts are required from all presenters, including those who have been invited to speak by a session organizer.

Everyone submitting an abstract will be notified of their status by Friday, March 1, 2019.

We welcome abstracts from the full breadth of participants in the salmon recovery effort: project managers; staff from land trusts, fishery enhancement groups, watershed councils, and conservation districts; tribal members and staff; state, federal, city, and county agency employees; planners, landowners, hatchery workers, commercial fishing professionals, sport fishers, fish scientists, restoration ecologists, wetland biologists, project engineers, hydrologists, educators, students, community volunteers, and other people active in Pacific Coastal salmon recovery.

All abstracts will be reviewed and selected be members of the Conference Program Committee based on relevance and available space. Not all abstracts are guaranteed a place in the schedule.

Note that all presenters are required to register for the conference (minimum of one-day registration) and cover all travel and accommodation expenses.

To review abstracts from the 2017 Salmon Recovery Conference, please click here to see the program.

Presentation Guidelines

Since 2007, the Salmon Recovery Conference has grown from a one-day event attended by 300 people to its current format of 2+ days and more than 800 attendees.

Oral Presentations

Concurrent sessions will be two hours long, with up to eight 15-minute presentations or with a panel discussion. We encourage excellent and engaging presentations that speak to the diverse experiences of the people attending the conference.


Posters should be a maximum of 45" wide by 45" tall and use graphic elements such as charts, tables, graphs, photos, or drawings along with text. Simplicity makes more of an impact on the viewer than a cluttered poster with a lot of tiny text.

You will have a 4-foot x 4-foot bulletin board area to mount your poster. Poster presenters are expected to be available to discuss their posters with conference participants during the poster session (late afternoon of the first day of the conference) and, if possible, during breaks over the course of the conference.

Abstract Submission Directions

Please submit the abstract for your oral presentation or poster through the abstract submission site by 11:59 pm, Thursday, January 31, 2019. You will be notified of the status of your submission by Friday, March 1, 2019.

Abstracts should provide a brief overview of the approach and key findings to be presented at the conference.

To view the accepted Standard Format and Panel sessions, please click here.

  • Ecosystem
  • Restoration
  • Policy
  • Land and Water Use
  • Monitoring
  • H-integration
  • Organizational and Professional
  • Emerging Science and Tools
May include sessions about: climate change, integrated management, invasive species, marine survival, orcas and salmon, predation on salmon, reintroduction of salmon, traditional ecosystem knowledge, etc.

Begin an Abstract submission to the following:


Events Proposals are no longer being accepted.


Exhibitors Proposals are no longer being accepted.


Most sessions at the conference will be standard format, with up to eight 15-minute presentations (10 minutes for presentation, 5 minutes for Q & A) on a common subject or theme. Be sure that you are able to speak meaningfully about your topic in 10 minutes. A session chair will welcome the audience, introduce the speakers, and coordinate the session including keeping time throughout.

Presentation abstracts should provide a brief overview of the approach and key findings to be presented at the conference. Provide enough detail in the abstract to allow reviewers to fully understand the intent and content of the presentation. Abstract length is limited to 2,000 characters. Spell out all acronyms and abbreviations the first time they are used in your abstract. If accepted, the abstract will be printed in the online conference program.

Standard Format Proposals are no longer being accepted.


Panel Discussions are less structured than a standard format session, with panelists offering brief (3-5 minute) comments about the topic, and then responding to each other and to audience inquiries throughout the session. Submit here to be considered for a panelist role on one of our planned discussions.

Panel Discussions Proposals are no longer being accepted.


Poster abstracts should provide a brief overview of the approach and key findings to be included on the poster. Provide enough detail in the abstract to allow reviewers to fully understand the intent and content of the poster. Abstract length is limited to 2,000 characters. Spell out all acronyms and abbreviations the first time they are used in your abstract. If accepted, the abstract will be printed in the online conference program.

Poster Proposals are no longer being accepted.


Skill-building workshops teach a specific skill and may include one or more exercises that let attendees practice using this skill. They are usually led by one or two people and are self-contained (i.e., do not accept abstracts contributed by others).

Skill Building Workshops Proposals are no longer being accepted.


Alternative Format Proposals are no longer being accepted.